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Music Ministry

Starkdale’s Music Ministry welcomes all – members, friends, families and visitors – to join us as we sing a new song to the Lord! Our joyful noise takes many forms: vocal and instrumental, classical and modern, solemn and exuberant. Our repertoire includes a host of traditional psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs as well as popular styles and more. Why? Because God’s love and faithfulness abundantly fills our lives and we are compelled to freely share it with others.


This attitude of servant-hood is alive and well among our members – regular attendees who love music and are eager to present the Gospel and bear witness to Christ through music and song. From the youngest child learning a new instrument, to our most accomplished soloist, each is focused on touching the lives of those who hear us.


Adult Choir


Sings regularly at the Sunday 10am worship service. The choir rehearses on Sunday mornings in the chapel from 10:00 - 10:45 am. They enjoy singing a wide variety of quality, diverse, choral literature.  For more information on the music ministry, please contact the church office at 740-264-5309.

Starkdale Presbyterian Church

4600 Sunset Blvd, Steubenville, Ohio 43953


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© Starkdale Presbyterian Church  2024 

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