Starkdale Presbyterian Church
"Proclaiming Salvation Through Christ's Life, Death, Burial and Resurrection"
Welcome to Starkdale
The Starkdale Presbyterian Church of Steubenville is a worshipping community committed to bringing glory to God. We seek to proclaim the truth of God’s love as revealed in the person of Jesus Christ in all that we do. We invite you to take a few minutes to explore what God is doing in and through this congregation by exploring this website.
We value being educated and inspired towards God and Christian service. Everything we do strives to affirm this educational direction: pastoral leadership, elder and deacon selection, church school, music, youth programs, mission outreach, small groups, church services and social service.
We exist to spread a passion for the knowledge of God in all people’s hearts, minds, and bodies, so that their joy may complete for the glory of God. We desire to be an innovative preaching and teaching congregation of the truth of God’s Word and supremacy. He provides for us spirituality, emotionally and physically. We worship God with our minds, love Him with our hearts and serve Him with our bodies glorifying Him immensely.

We provide opportunities to build a loving relationship with Jesus Christ and each other both individually and corporately. With Jesus as the core of our lives, we focus on care, compassion and restoration.
Finally, with emphasis on the Presbyterian heritage of Christian education and guidance of the Holy Spirit, we cultivate a deeper commitment to Jesus Christ and His great commission by building and savoring a stronger Christian presence in our families, our church, our community and in our world. Here we delight in joy and find rest for all souls to magnify His glory.
You’re only a visitor at Starkdale for one day. The next time you join us to worship, you become a part of our church family. Nothing would make us happier than to include you in our plans for a wonderful ministry.
We invite you to speak with one of our Elders after the Sunday worship service or call the church office at 740-264-5309. They will be happy to answer any questions you may have.