Starkdale Presbyterian Church
"Proclaiming Salvation Through Christ's Life, Death, Burial and Resurrection"
Starkdale Presbyterian Women

All women in the congregation are invited to come and enjoy a time of fellowship and Bible study with our Starkdale Presbyterian Women (SPW). All gatherings start with lunch, followed by Bible study and a short meeting.
If you are new to the church, this is a wonderful way to get to know your church family. We encourage all of you to come and share in this special time of Christian fellowship.
Gatherings are held the fourth Tuesday of September, October, March, April and May. Due to Thanksgiving and Christmas, gatherings for November will be held the third Tuesday and the Christmas gift exchange and luncheon will be the second Tuesday. We celebrate a social time from 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. with lunch being served at 11:30 a.m.
If you aren’t familiar with SPW, the main purpose of our organization is to create a climate for spiritual development and growth of all women in the congregation and to encourage and promote Christian fellowship.
We also work toward raising funds for local charities, helping with some of the cost of our youth who attend Elkhorn Valley Church Camp every summer, recognizing our graduates in June every year, sponsoring an over 80’s luncheon for those “youngsters” who are 80 or over, and coordinating dining room activities, and kitchen activities.